Articles and E-Books

Picture of Tablet, phone and hardcopy of Bible opened to New Testament title page
Reading the New Testament

By Mark J Ward In our series on Spiritual Exercise, we are looking at things we can do that will be of spiritual benefit for…

Dumbell weights in the form of a cross representative of spiritual exercise for Christ and our soul
Spiritual Exercise…(2)

by Mark J Ward “for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the…

Dumbell weights in the form of a cross representative of spiritual exercise for Christ and our soul
Spiritual Exercise…(1)

by Mark J Ward We are only 2 months, Lord willing, away from "New Year's resolutions"! How many of us have made many in the…

1998 The Religious Instructor 2020
About this website…

This website is "an individual work" in response to biblical instruction for us to carry out the great commission (Mt. 28:18-20), to teach others God's…

Are We Ready?

Have you ever been to a funeral? If not, what about visiting a gravesite? It is quite sobering to just spend some time in a…

Photo of U-haul truck
The Parable of the U-haul…

By Jeff Fry When a friend of mine (the editor only knows him too well) was moving, I assisted by loading and unloading the belongings.…

The Life of Christ

Part 4 - PARABLES by Dick Ward This is Part 4 of a 4 part e-book series on the Life of Christ. The lessons and…

The Life of Christ

Part 2 - CHRISTOLOGY by Dick Ward This is Part 2 of a 4 part e-book series on the Life of Christ. The lessons and…

father leading family in Bible study
Father knows best…

Back in 1949, a radio series called Father Knows Best aired on NBC Radio. Later, in 1954, the television series debuted on CBS and ran…

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