Placing membership in a local…
This lesson covers New Testament passages that illustrate the responsibility of Christians to "identify with" a local congregation. What is God's will concerning placing membership…
The Life of Christ
Part 4 - PARABLES by Dick Ward This is Part 4 of a 4 part e-book series on the Life of Christ. The lessons and…
The Life of Christ
Part 2 - CHRISTOLOGY by Dick Ward This is Part 2 of a 4 part e-book series on the Life of Christ. The lessons and…
Father knows best…
Back in 1949, a radio series called Father Knows Best aired on NBC Radio. Later, in 1954, the television series debuted on CBS and ran…
I Corinthians 11:1-16
– A Study of I Corinthians 11:1-16, A Series of Bible Lessons on the Various Views Held on the Coverings (The above link is to…
Water Baptism…
There are many views on water baptism today. Some differ concerning the mode of water baptism. Others disagree on the essentiality of water baptism in…
The Spiritual Fight…
God gives us all we need to be successful physically and spiritually in this life (2 Peter 1:3; Matthew 6:25-34). God, through the inspired pen…
Placing membership in a local…
What is local church membership? Is it necessary? What is the relationship of the elders of a local church to the "flock" which is "among…
Let’s Go Fishing…
From a very early age, I was blessed to be able to go "fishing" with my Dad. As you can see from the photo above,…