Death and the Resurrection…

photo depicts a cemetery in association with death and the resurrection

By Mark J Ward

The following sermon (audio) and handout (study guide) were used in a lesson preached January 17, 2021 at the Walnut Street church of Christ in Jesup, GA. The lesson was designed to look at what the Bible teaches about death, hades, Sheol, Jesus’ return and the resurrection of all those who have passed away since Adam. In addition, we do ourselves a great spiritual service by attending to God’s Word and walking with Him so we are prepared for death and/or the resurrection at Jesus’ return. Please give the material your consideration and let me know if you have questions.

Thanks for reading and listening!

CLICK HERE for the study guide (handout)


Photo of woman thinking deeply

By Mark J Ward

Please consider the teaching from a lesson presented in Jesup, GA on Sunday, December 6, 2020, concerning the requirement of God in the new testament dispensation for Christians to meditate on acceptable things. There is a play button for audio immediately below followed by a link for the study outline.

If you have questions or comments, please scroll to the Questions area and submit the questions and/or leave comments.

“Meditation” – Walnut Street church Jesup, GA – 12/6/2020

CLICK HERE for outline (slightly adapted from a sermon prepared by my late father, Dick Ward. We hope to share many more outlines, as well as audio files from the past for your consideration.