About this website…

1998 The Religious Instructor 2020

This website is “an individual work” in response to biblical instruction for us to carry out the great commission (Mt. 28:18-20), to teach others God’s Word (2 Tim. 2:2) and to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). God desires that all of His children stand for and spread the gospel of Christ (which is His power to save all those who will obey) [Rom. 1:16; Eph. 6:10ff].

The initial Religious Instructor website found currently at: www.religiousinstructor.com was started in January of 1998 as primarily a monthly web-zine, with a few other articles, links, and debates for the same purposes as stated above. It still exists and may be merged with this website more fully in the future, but at the present time, you can either link to it from this site (in the area entitled “Other Websites of Interest”, or simply use the links provided in this post (above and below) and save it in your favorites on all your digital devices.

The Religious Instructor at this site is a continuation of the former site. It will begin as a blog, with posts, articles, charts, audio files, ebooks, and links to other authors’ material. Also, there will be ebooks, pdfs of sermon outlines, articles, church bulletins, special studies, as well as other files from the past, by my late father, Dick Ward (audio of sermons and question and answer radio programs). As we had printing and publishing equipment for several years, there is a lot of printed material that I hope to be able to convert and post to this site over time (pdf).

I will also ask others to submit material (audio, articles and/or video) for the purposes of teaching what they understand God’s Word to instruct on various topics and passages of Scripture.

I solicit your prayers that God will be pleased with this effort. If I accomplish that, I know the site is what it should be. I welcome your questions, comments, constructive criticism, dialogue (including opportunities for discussion in the proper spirit on areas of disagreement). I will try my best to to teach the truth in love, pointing to Scripture to document the positions advanced, with clarity and love for the audience (Eph. 4:11-15).

My desire is to teach only God’s Truth, and in so doing help as many people as I can in this world have a better understanding of the Bible. We are especially interested in all things that pertain to the salvation of our souls. Jesus Christ came to this earth to seek and save the lost. He lived a perfect life and was offered as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. Jesus shed His blood “for the remission of sins” that washes away our sins if we obey God’s instruction on coming to Christ. (Mt. 16:21; Mt. 26:28; Jn. 3:16; Heb. 9:27,28; I Jn. 2:2; Gal. 1:4; I Tim. 2:6; 2 Tim. 2:4).

I hope to hear from many of you, Lord willing. May God continue to richly bless us with His love, patience, mercy, and grace. May we continue to grow spiritually as God has outlined in His Word (2 Peter 1:2-11; 3:18). Thanks, in advance, for taking the time to read, study, and consider the teachings put forth for your consideration at these websites.

In the love of Christ Jesus our Lord,

Mark J Ward

Note: The three links that are active at this time are:
www.religiousinstructor.com The original site (1998- )
www.markjward.com The new site (2020)
www.religiousinstructor.info The same new site (2020)

There is also a Facebook Page for The Religious Instructor
at: @bibleteachingmjw

What is Sin? Part 1

Graphics with Fingers pointing to the word guilty in red a red circle

This is lesson one in a two-part series preached at the Beavercreek church of Christ in the Dayton, Ohio area on Sunday, September 13, 2020. Who determines what sin is? How are we to understand what sin is? What are the various ways in which a person can sin? Please listen to the audio and follow along with the charts used, if you like! Thanks! – mjw

What is Sin? Part 1 – Beavercreek, Ohio – 9/13/2020